Dora Shagas

Персональные данные

Dora Shagas
День рождения 7 NOV 1917 Chechersk, Gomel uezd, Mohilev gubernia, Russia
Пол ♀️ Female
Умер 12 FEB 1983 Minsk, Belarus, USSR
Похороненный Minsk, Belarus, USSR

Родители ( 1 )

Супруги ( 1 )



7 NOV 1917
Birth Entering into life.

📍 Chechersk, Gomel uezd, Mohilev gubernia, Russia

FROM 1925 TO 1932
Graduation Awarding educational diplomas or degrees to individuals.


FROM 1938 TO 1943
Generic Event Generic Individual Event


MAY 1943
Generic Event Generic Individual Event

📍 г. Курган?

FROM 18 SEP 1944
Generic Event Generic Individual Event

📍 член ВКП(б)

FROM JUL 1941 TO NOV 1944
Generic Event Generic Individual Event


Burial Disposing of the mortal remains of a deceased person.

📍 Minsk, Belarus, USSR

Retirement Exiting an occupational relationship with an employer after a qualifying time period.


12 FEB 1983
Death Mortal life terminates.

📍 Minsk, Belarus, USSR

Graduation Awarding educational diplomas or degrees to individuals.

📍 окончание средней школы - Новобелицкий лесотехнический рабфак