Shmul (Semyon) Brezman

Персональные данные

Shmul (Semyon) Brezman
День рождения 15 MAY 1915 Zinkov, Ukraine
Пол ♂️ Male
Умер 2 DEC 1988 Ramsey County, Minnesota, United States
Похороненный West Hebrew, St. Paul MN

Супруги ( 1 )

Klara Berkovich
Женатый Leningrad, Russia
Дети ♂️ Roman Brezman
♂️ Michael Brezman


15 MAY 1915
Birth Entering into life.

📍 Zinkov, Ukraine

Burial Disposing of the mortal remains of a deceased person.

📍 West Hebrew, St. Paul MN

2 DEC 1988
Death Mortal life terminates.

📍 Ramsey County, Minnesota, United States